At a crossroads?

Discover your path with Clear Path Coaching

Transitions are opportunities for growth and transformation. Clear Path Coaching can help you navigate through life’s changes with resilience and purpose.

Meet Mary Lynn Rochlitz

Mary Lynn is your guide to unveiling the distinct pathway leading you to the next enriching chapter of your life.

Mary Lynn is a seasoned life coach with 22 years of expertise as a Marriage & Family therapist. Her diverse professional background and Counseling Psychology Masters degree from Santa Clara University equip her with the skills and empathy to guide you through challenges and transitions effectively.

About Clear Path Coaching

At Clear Path Coaching, I believe that transitions are opportunities for growth and transformation. My approach is rooted in empathy, understanding, and practical strategies to help you navigate life’s changes with resilience and purpose.

  • Career Clarity
  • Family Harmony
  • Wellness Empowerment
  • Life Mastery


Clear Path Coaching helps individuals navigate through a spectrum of challenges, including career transitions, family changes, health and well-being improvements, and coping with life changes.

Mary Lynn delivers a hands-on and personalized approach with high-impact coaching techniques tailored to your unique situation.

Ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and empowerment?

Schedule a consultation with Mary Lynn Rochlitz at Clear Path Coaching. With over 22 years of expertise as a Marriage and Family therapist, Mary Lynn will guide you through career transitions, family changes, health challenges, and life’s twists. Gain clarity and resilience through coaching, goal setting, and mindful techniques. Unlock your full potential and create a brighter future.

Don't Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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